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Online Breathwork Course: Conscious Breath Connection Course

Calm overthinking so you can THRIVE in life, not just survive life.


(Take your healing into your own hands and learn to guide yourself through breathwork with this self-paced online breathwork course.)

Free up space and release pent-up emotions that are secretly draining your energy with this self-paced, easy-to-follow, 7-day, online breathwork course.

Imagine what you could create or experience in your life if you could:

  • Uncover the courage to follow your desires.

  • Actively live your life and not just be a passive bystander!

  • Heal trauma and shift old patterns so you can finally move forward.

  • Reconnect with your body and get in touch with your inner wisdom.

  • Clear stuck energy and release underlying emotions that are draining you.

  • Connect to your intuition and your soul at a higher level while tuning into a different frequency.

Online Breathwork Course Conscious Breath Connection Course.png

What if you could use your breath to thrive? 

You know you could benefit from letting go and releasing everyday stresses but aren't sure how. This self-paced online breathwork course is for you if:

  • Have a hard time meditating

  • Peace of mind is important to you

  • Want to get in touch with your intuition

  • Struggle with overthinking, and it holds you back from starting toward your personal goals.

  • Want a breathwork practice you can do in the privacy and comfort of your own home

  • Are interested in trying Conscious Connected Breathwork, but don't want to cry in front of strangers.

Can an online breathwork course really help you release bottled-up emotions? Here's what clients have to say.  

Lilian Motta:
About the Conscious Breath Connection Course

“Before I met Francisca, I thought that breathwork was such a far reach for me, it felt like a subject that was overwhelming, and I did not know where to start. It felt like there were so many techniques and I needed to know everything to start. Completing the Conscious Breath Course, I learned to take it one step at a time; the modules were comprehensive, easy to digest, and left me feeling equipped with new tools each day. I loved the energy that Francisca radiates through her teachings, making me feel held and equipped to deal with my everyday stressors. I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to up their self-care game!"

This self-paced online breathwork course might also help you:

  • With a range of things like healing everything from trauma all the way down to procrastination on your to-do list.

  • Learn to tap into your breath and trust it to connect to yourself and your intuition.

  • Release stored-up tension and possibly feel so much lighter, whether you want to unearth and let go of trauma, get a better night's rest, or release that stuff you didn’t even know you were holding onto.

  • Build resiliency to get through the ever-changing ebb and flow of life.

  • Remember YOUR truth and who you really are despite the challenges you might face.

  • Rediscover your sacred connection to yourself and your divinity.

And if you're ready to:

  • Optimize your breath to get you through the tough times, procrastination, and stay present in the joyous moments too!

  • Try Conscious Connected Breathwork, but don't know where to start.

  • Start a breathwork practice in the privacy of your home.

  • Create a unique and flexible breathwork practice that fits your schedule.​

  • Feel lighter; whether you want to unearth and heal trauma or release that emotional baggage, you didn’t even know you were holding onto.

  • Use your breath to help you thrive, release tension, increase focus, and clear your energy.* ​Learn to recognize your breathing patterns in the moment and deal with life when it comes at you.

  • Learn how to guide yourself through a deep breathing practice.

  • Use your breath to tap into your intuition.

Francisca Hernandez doing breathwork from an online breathwork course

Here's what's included in the Conscious Breath Connection Course

Full lifetime access to the online breath work course:

  • Seven instructional videos.

    • Step-by-step video Guidance through Various breathing techniques

      • ​Watch and listen as I guide you step by step through variations of the Conscious Connected Breathing technique. I'll also give you some actionable and practical breathing tools you can use in daily stressful situations. I’ll share what you need to know about using your breath to help you feel lighter, connect back to your truth so you can get clarity, and build resiliency in your life.

  • Five downloadable easy-to-follow mini-breathwork audios: 

    • Actionable, practical, and easy breathing tools you can use in stressful situations no matter what life throws your way

  • Two downloadable full-length Conscious Connected Breathwork audios

    • Breathwork audios to help you feel lighter, get clarity, release bottled-up emotions that secretly drain your energy, and build resiliency.​

  • PLUS Bonus Healing Breathwork Audios including:

    • Soothing breathwork

    • Integration breathwork

    • Cord-cutting breathwork

  • Bonus reference PDFs with self-care exercises: designed to help you tap into your self-healing abilities.

  • Support: Get email support within the first two weeks of purchasing the course. I’ll be available by email for any questions you might have regarding techniques and implementation.

  • Lifetime access: You get forever access to the course and any updates to the content for the lifetime of the course!


  • Personalized live breathwork discount options: add on a live one-on-one 90-minute breathwork session for $75 OFF (usually $177). Or bundle the course with breathwork sessions to get a discount of up to $200.

  • Future discounts: You’ll get discounts on one-on-one and group breathwork sessions, as well as special rates on future courses!

Confidence to guide yourself through breathwork at any time

  • Best of all you'll have the confidence to guide yourself through breathwork with a safe container to fully surrender and release all those pent-up emotions draining your energy in the privacy of your own home, whether it's 2 pm or 2 am.

If you're nodding your head, saying, "WOW!! I need this."

And you're done with:​

  • Feeling the need to control everything.

  • Bottled-up emotions draining your energy

  • Not having a breathwork practice you can do at 2 am in the privacy of your own home

Then the Conscious Breath Connection Course was created for you! ​​

You get lifetime access to the comprehensive, easy-to-digest, convenient online breathwork course, plus the option to book a private breathwork session for $75 OFF the normal price of $177 (total value $324).


But most importantly, you'll learn to guide yourself through breathwork and release bottled-up emotions secretly draining your energy that’ll help you feel equipped to deal with your everyday stressors, connect with your soul at a higher level and tune into a different frequency so you can feel like yourself again! (total value priceless).

Yeah, but does breathwork really work?
(and other FAQs) 

Does breathwork really work? Sounds funny to read that intentionally breathing with your favorite music playing in the background might be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you'll ever have. Conscious Connected Breathing can help you have an intense physiological reaction that allows you to release emotions on a deep level and heal old trauma stuck in your body. You see, around the 8-12 minute mark, you might feel some resistance. And at that moment, it's just you and your breath. Challenging yourself, pushing through that block, and taking one empowering inhale after another helps you build resiliency and trust in yourself like nothing else. You discover that you are both flexible and powerful. You find that you can let go of perfection and control one breath at a time. With each surrendering exhale, you connect to your intuition and spiritual self.  


How many breathwork sessions do you need to heal trauma? If you need to work through grief, loss, trauma, or chronic depression, you might need multiple sessions. While one breathwork session can help you release emotions, you might require more sessions to work through deep-seated emotional baggage. I take you through a twelve-session breathwork process that allows you to get to root issues, address old wounds, and trust yourself to make choices that can help you move forward in your life with confidence no matter what life throws your way. Click here for pricing information about breathwork to help you heal trauma.


How much does an in-person breathwork session cost? Group breathwork classes in Houston can range from $55-$75 per person. Private one-on-one breathwork sessions in Houston can range from $177-$300. Package discounts for multiple breathwork sessions are available. Click here to view all the service prices for breathwork and other healing options.


What is Conscious Connected Breathwork? Conscious Connected Breathwork is an intense and powerful open-mouthed breathing technique where you lay down, inhale into your diaphragm through an open mouth, then inhale again into the chest with an open mouth, and then let out a soft open-mouthed exhale. You breathe during the active phase for about thirty minutes. Then you have a resting period to integrate the physical and emotional release. Old trauma stuck in your body surfaces during Conscious Connected Breathwork. Then emotional energy runs through you, and you can let that shit go and cry it out from a deeper visceral level. This intense breathwork practice can also help you experience more joy, focus, direction, relief, and clarity.


What happens during a one-on-one breathwork session? After an intake and demonstration of the breathwork technique, we'll get you lying down in a comfortable space where you can be undisturbed for 90 minutes. Then I'll guide you through your breathwork session. I'll play a personalized music playlist with some of your favorite songs. You'll have 25-30 minutes of active breathing. During the breathwork, I'll guide you with personalized affirmations. You'll let out a few yells or vocalizations when I cue you to release some energy. Then you'll have 15-20 minutes of resting time. You'll also have about 15-20 minutes of processing time before and after. A few days after your session, I'll check in with you by email. You'll also receive a personalized report from your breathwork with post-breathwork reflection questions. Most people have an emotional release, while others have spiritual downloads. Some have positive remembrances of those who are no longer living. Everyone's experience is unique.


Is breathwork safe? Breathwork is an umbrella term for any intentional breathing practice. Conscious Connected Breathwork is an intense breathing practice. History of cardiovascular disease, severe unsupported mental illness, seizure disorders, aneurysms, and high-risk pregnancy are contraindications to this type of breathwork. Seeking medical or professional advice before any intense practice is advisable if you have any of these contraindications.


What is tetany? Tetany is cramping in your extremities (hands, feet, shoulders) that can happen during Conscious Connected Breathwork, mostly because we are offloading more carbon dioxide than normal. If you experience tetany, even though it might hurt or feel scary, please know that it is not uncommon, and it will pass. You are safe, and it is only temporary. The amazing thing about breathwork is that you have autonomy over your breathing. You can choose to slow down the breath until the tetany passes or breathe through the discomfort. There is no right or wrong choice here. It's your body and your experience.


Can you do breathwork alone? Of course, you can do breathwork alone; all you have to do is remember the breathwork pattern, find a comfortable space, and set a timer. However, if you prefer guidance in your breathwork practice, then the Conscious Breath Connection Course was created for you. The modules are convenient, iPhone-friendly, comprehensive, easy to digest, and will leave you feeling equipped with new tools each day. It's like I'm there with you, guiding you throughout the course. 


How do I access the course after purchasing it? Follow the email instructions for access to your breathwork course directly after purchasing.


How long will it take to finish this course?  I designed this as an actionable week-long course for you! It's a seven-day course with each of the daily videos under twenty minutes leading up to the full session, which is 45 minutes. However, you can certainly treat this as a day-long immersion experience. Everyone has their own comfort level with taking in knowledge, so listen to your heart and take seven hours, seven days, or even seven weeks to complete the course. 


Will I get access to the breathwork instructor? Of course! I know how important it is to have support and guidance, so I’ll be available within the first two weeks of purchasing the course by email at for any questions you have regarding techniques and implementation. Plus, if you choose to add a personalized live breathwork session, I’ll walk you through the whole breathwork process with a personalized breathwork playlist curated just for you! ​​What is Conscious Connected Breathwork? Conscious Connected Breathing is a powerful, active three-part breathing practice that consists of a large inhale into the diaphragm; another inhale into the chest, and a soft exhale. You do this circular breathing technique with an open mouth while lying down. This amazing practice has helped people experience more joy, less stress, reduced tension, increased focus, relief, clarity, and connection to their intuition.


Can I purchase this for a group of people? Yup! To discuss group rates, send an email to


What if I want a refund? Please be sure you're 100% certain that you want to purchase this course because refunds will not be processed. ​


Can I get a discount? There are many free breathwork resources available both online and in person. Breathwork is something everyone should have access to. If you need financial assistance, please contact me directly so we can find a good fit for you.


Can I buy a breathwork session individually? Yes, individual 90-minute breathwork sessions are available for $177 each. Click here to book. Buying a one-off session means you won't have access to the course. However, if you buy the course, you can add on a session for $75 OFF instead of the normal rate of $177. Or you can bundle the course and save up to $200. 

Learn to guide yourself through breathwork at home.

You get lifetime access to the comprehensive, easy-to-digest, convenient online breathwork course, plus the option to book a private breathwork session for $75 OFF the normal price of $177 (total value $324).


But most importantly, you'll learn to guide yourself through breathwork and release bottled-up emotions secretly draining your energy that’ll help you feel equipped to deal with your everyday stressors, connect with your soul at a higher level and tune into a different frequency so you can feel like yourself again! (total value priceless).

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