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Writer's pictureFrancisca Hernandez

Lunar Magic: Powerful Full Moon Rituals to Release Trauma and Stuck Energy

Harness the transformative power of full moon rituals to release trauma and stuck energy, tap into your inner divinity, and find your way to a happier healthier you!

I love full moons as a monthly reminder to release whatever's draining your spirit. Full moons happen every 28 days or so and offer a powerful time for self-reflection and healing. In this blog, I share my full moon-releasing practices with you!

Spoiler alert: I talk about using breathwork, but I also share a few other modalities you might not have used before in your full moon-releasing rituals.

Releasing stuck energy on the full moon might also help restore balance in your life and allow you to access your body's natural healing abilities. Wherever your energy falls, you'll love this blog.

The Power of Full Moon Rituals for Releasing Trauma and Stuck Energy

Full moons are a perfect time to release, celebrate, illuminate, or complete a cycle they're a time of culmination, completion, and harvesting. The full moon's intense energy can also amplify your intentions and bring hidden emotions to the surface.

Clearing stuck energy regularly is necessary so underlying stagnant emotions don't drain your energy or spill over to the rest of your life.

When you hold onto negative emotions, they can manifest as physical symptoms, stress, and emotional turmoil. Full moon rituals provide a powerful opportunity to release these stagnant energies and make room for positive transformation. By consciously working with this energy, you can shed unwanted patterns, heal past wounds, and create space for personal growth.

Plus using the energy of full moon rituals for releasing trauma and stuck energy allows more space and bandwidth for the flow of new energy and positive experiences into your life.

Full Moon Ritual Techniques

1. Conscious Connected Breathwork 

Conscious Connected Breathwork is a powerful, active three-part breathing practice that can help you release deep-seated emotions and connect with your inner self. With each opened-mouth circular breath, you dissolve stress and tension you didn't even know you were holding onto.

Most times, you'll leave a breathwork session feeling like a weight's been lifted off your shoulders, reconnected to yourself, and recommitted to your goals.

Every time you do breathwork, you peel back another layer. And where I've seen clients transform the most is when they stick with the breathwork practice. When they keep going back and peeling layers, they find a layer of resiliency, courage, forgiveness, and discernment. Do Conscious Connected Breathwork every time there's a full moon, and you'll experience deep transformation.

While breathwork won't solve all your problems, it will allow you time and space to process and address stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and burnout.

2. Meditation

You probably already know that meditation is a simple, yet powerful tool for calming your mind and connecting with your intuition.

But, meditation can also help you get still, bring the shadow parts of you to the light, illuminate your ability to cultivate inner peace, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.

Incorporating meditation in your full moon ritual can serve as a reminder to clear out any emotional or spiritual junk that might be hindering your progress.

During a full moon meditation, you can explore your thoughts and feelings, identify areas of trauma, and set intentions for healing.

3. Journaling

Writing can be a cathartic way to express your emotions and gain clarity. Journaling about your experiences, thoughts, and feelings can help you identify patterns, release negative emotions, and gain insights into your healing journey.

Whether you journal before or after breathwork, meditation, or a full moon walk, journaling can help you get what's going on in your mind and body out onto paper.

Here are a few journal prompts that really help my clients make the most of their journaling practice. You can start by asking yourself questions like:

  • How is the energy of this full moon affecting my body, mind, heart and soul?

  • What do I need to release in my life to experience deep transformation?

  • How can I celebrate or give myself credit for how far I’ve come in my life?

  • What new cycle would I like to see in my life?

  • How can I focus my energy on what's really important to me to move in a new direction to realize my dreams?

These questions can help you delve deeper into your thoughts and feelings, and identify areas where you may need to release stuck energy and how to move forward with renewed clarity..

4. Burn Letters 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, one of the most cathartic and effective ways to release negative energy is through the act of burning letters. Combine a burn letter with your full moon ritual, and you've just unleashed a powerful way to let go of the past, literally burning away unwanted thoughts or emotions. This powerful ritual can help you create space for healing and growth,

A Word of Caution

Please be gentle and patient with yourself if you choose to do this exercise. While it can be very releasing, it may also bring up old wounds. Proceed with caution and only if this process resonates with you. *This particular method was taught to me by Jon Paul Crimi during my breathwork teacher certification training.

How to Write a Transformational Letter

  1. Set a Timer: Begin by setting a five-minute timer.

  2. Write the First Letter: On the front of the page, write a letter to a person or situation that's unresolved, hurtful, or something you wish to say goodbye to. Express your feelings honestly, whether it's anger, gratitude, forgiveness, or simply goodbye.

  3. Write the Second Letter: Set another five-minute timer and write a letter from that person to you. Imagine what they might say, own, or what you wish you could hear from them.

  4. Burn the Letter: After writing both sides, you can choose to tear up, burn, drown, bury, or send the letterout to sea. I personally prefer a burning ceremony followed by breathwork.

This powerful ritual is a personal favorite for trauma healing and grief recovery. It can help you release deep-seated emotions and find the closure you might not have otherwise found.

5. Connect with Nature

Spending time in nature can be a grounding and healing experience. Connect with the Earth's energy by taking a walk, gardening, or simply sitting outside and observing the natural world.

One of the most powerful ways to amplify the energy of the full moon is near water. The ocean, with its vastness and rhythm, can be a particularly potent source of healing and transformation.

Whether you're lucky enough to live near the beach or can simply visit a nearby lake or river, spending time in nature during a full moon can be a profound experience. Sit by the water, feel the sand beneath your feet, and allow the natural rhythms to wash away your stress and tension, release negative energy, cleanse your aura, and connect with the moon's powerful vibrations. Combine this with a burn letter then, tear up the letter and release it into the ocean, symbolizing the letting go of negativity. You can also draw a heart in the sand and bury it as a ritual of release and renewal.

Don't forget to soak in the moon's light and the soothing sounds of the waves. Allow the salt water to cleanse your body and spirit, washing away any lingering trauma or stuck energy. This experience can be incredibly transformative and healing.

Not able to get to a body of water? Imagine yourself sitting on the beach, the warm sand beneath your feet and the gentle sound of the waves crashing against the shore. As you watch the sunset and the moon rise in your mind's eye, take a moment to reflect on the things you want to release and visualize yourself releasing any negative energy and embracing a brighter future.

6. Sound Healing

Another tool that you can use in your full moon-releasing rituals sound healing. Sound baths, which involve immersing yourself in the vibrations of sound, can be incredibly powerful for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and releasing emotional blockages.

I love using crystal bowls, and depending on the size of my Full Moon Breathwork Class (typically no more than five), I let some of my clients play them during full moon semi-private group sessions. It feels really nice to play the sound and let the resonant music rise up, allowing you to feel the vibrations and cleanse away anything that doesn't serve you anymore. The resonant energy of sound bowls can penetrate deep into your cells, allowing you to release trauma and stuck energy on a cellular level.

Whether you attend a group sound bath or create your own at home, this powerful technique can be a transformative addition to your full moon rituals.

7. Descansos

"Descansos mark the death sites, the dark sites, the dark times, but they are also love notes to your suffering. They are transformative. There is a lot to be said for pinning things to the earth so they don't follow us around. There is a lot to be said for laying them to rest."

- Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.

Descansos is a powerful process created by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes to honor and release the "little deaths" we experience throughout life. These deaths can include unfulfilled dreams, lost opportunities, and emotional wounds. By acknowledging and addressing these past experiences, we can heal and move forward with renewed vitality.

To practice Descansos, take some time to reflect on the moments in your life when you felt a part of yourself die. These might be times when you felt forced to go down a path you didn't choose, or when you experienced betrayal or loss. Write down these experiences and explore the emotions associated with them. Through this process, you can begin to heal and release the pain that may be holding you back.

By acknowledging and honoring these "deaths," clients feel a sense of relief and closure. They understand that it's okay to grieve for the parts of ourselves that we have lost and that by doing so, we can create space for healing, grief, and grace.

The Descansos process inspired me so much that I created a whole mini-version of the Conscious Breath Connection Course around this subject!

Mini-Breathwork Course for Spiritual Growth

8. Tarot and Oracle Readings

Tarot and Oracle cards can be powerful tools for self-discovery and healing, especially during Full Moon rituals. By drawing cards and interpreting their messages, you can gain valuable insights into your subconscious mind and identify areas that need attention.

For example, the Five of Wands might suggest minor scuffles or problems in your life that are draining your energy. The Tower card could indicate a major upheaval or transformation that you need to release.

I love using tarot and Oracle cards in conjunction with full moon rituals. I find that they can help me identify what I need to release, gain clarity, and receive guidance from the universe.  I find that a combination of tarot, breathwork, and journaling is a powerful way to release the past and create space for new beginnings.

Here's how to incorporate Tarot and Oracle cards into your full moon ritual for releasing trauma and stuck energy:

  1. Set Your Intention: Before drawing the cards, clearly state your intention for the reading. For example, you might ask, "What do I need to release this full moon?" or "What guidance can I receive for my healing journey?"

  2. Draw the Cards: Choose a spread that resonates with you and draw the designated number of cards.

  3. Interpret the Cards: Use your intuition and any knowledge you have of Tarot or Oracle symbolism to interpret the meaning of the cards. Pay attention to the images, colors, and keywords associated with each card.

  4. Reflect on the Messages: Consider how the messages from the cards relate to your current situation and your healing goals. Journal about your insights and any emotions that arise.

  5. Do Your Breathwork or Journaling: This can help deepen your connection with the messages from the cards and release any emotions that may arise.

  6. Pull Another Set of Cards: After reflecting on the initial cards and doing breathwork or journaling, draw another set. Ask for guidance and direction on how to move forward with the insights you've gained.

By combining Tarot and Oracle readings with other full moon ritual practices, you can deepen your connection to yourself and your spiritual journey.

9. Combining Full Moon Rituals for Maximum Impact

My personal favorite way to enhance full moon rituals is to combine various techniques. Experiment with incorporating breathwork, meditation, journaling, and sound baths into a single session. Discover the perfect blend that resonates with you and amplifies the effectiveness of your rituals.

Remember, the key to powerful full moon rituals lies in intention and personal connection. Choose practices that align with your soul and fully immerse yourself in the experience. By combining different techniques, you can create a personalized and transformative ritual that supports your healing journey.

Want to explore more ways to harness the power of the moon? That's exactly what you'll get when you join the Soul Shift Breathwork Membership.

In it you'll get:

  • Monthly tarot readings to gain insights and clarity

  • Eclipse, new moon, and full moon oracle spreads for deeper connection to your inner wisdom

  • Journaling workbooks to explore your thoughts and emotions

  • Live group breathwork classes (in-person and online) to release tension and promote healing

For just a fraction of the cost of a Target run, you can unlock:

  • Increased peace and tranquility

  • Renewed clarity and focus

  • Regular access to tarot readings and breathwork

  • Deep healing and connection to your soul

Final Thoughts

Full moon rituals offer a powerful opportunity for personal growth and healing. By tapping into the moon's transformative energy and utilizing techniques such as breathwork, meditation, journaling, and sound healing, you can release trauma, clear stuck emotions, and create space for positive change in your life.

Remember, healing is a journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Experiment with different techniques and find what resonates with you. The most important thing is to be patient, compassionate, and committed to your own well-being.

​I always love hearing from you, so let me know how it resonated with you. What's your favorite full moon ritual? What do you want to let go of and release? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

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🎥Other helpful videos & resources:

Above all, I hope you can honor yourself. And as always, remember to breathe deeply, connect consciously, and thrive wholeheartedly!

Sending lots of love & light,

Francisca Hernandez



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