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Writer's pictureFrancisca Hernandez

Trusting Your Gut: A Guide on How to Follow Your Intuition✨

Ever had a gut feeling but weren't sure if it was your intuition speaking? In this post, we'll explore what intuition is, how to recognize it, and give you practical steps to strengthen your intuitive connection so you can learn to trust and follow your intuition.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is that inner voice or gut feeling that guides us beyond logic and reason. 

Have you ever had that nagging feeling that something just isn't right? Or maybe you've experienced a strong pull towards a certain path without any logical explanation? That's your intuition at work.

It's a powerful tool that can lead to incredible insights and decisions. While some people seem naturally in tune with their intuition, it's a skill that you can develop and strengthen over time.

Definition of intuition

Recognizing Your Intuition

When I work with clients, we often work on differentiating between intuition and fear or anxiety. Intuition often feels like a gentle nudge, while fear tends to be overwhelming and paralyzing.

You might feel a sense of warmth or calmness when following your intuition. Some people feel a sense of excitement,

You'll have your own barometer for recognizing how your intuition speaks to you. So you really want to pay attention to your body sensations, as intuition often manifests physically for most.

Real-Life Examples of Intuition

Following your intuition can feel like a magical story of synchronicity, perhaps even resulting in life-changing moments. But following your intuition might also show up in mundane, everyday life activities.

By now, I'm no stranger to following my intuition. And though I've had plenty of moments of magical synchronicity, I still at times falter in my faith that I can fully trust my intuition.

Here are a few personal stories to help you recognize how it looks to follow your intuition.

Examples of Following Your Intuition

  • Car trouble: One time, while driving home from a cross-state trip, my wheel started shaking. My intuition guided me to avoid pulling over on a bridge. Ignoring the logical part of my brain, that urged me to pull over, I listened to my intuition and found a tow truck driver who helped me avoid a potential disaster.

  • A Life-Changing Encounter: On a whim, I trusted my intuition to go grocery shopping at an unusual time, This seemingly random decision led me to save someone's life through CPR.

Examples of Not Following Your Intuition

Check out this video on following your intuition, In it I share full stories of the examples above about times I followed my intuition (and a deeply personal example of when I didn’t including the time I ignored my intuition when choosing a therapist, leading to a harmful experience with an abusive therapist and other times I ignored my gut feelings). These experiences highlight the importance of trusting your gut and taking action based on those feelings.

Tips for Strengthening Your Intuition

  • Start small: Begin with smaller decisions like trusting that little voice that tells you to take the scenic route or going to a different coffee house to build trust in your intuition.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Regular meditation helps quiet the mind, allowing you to connect with your inner wisdom.

  • Conscious Connected Breathing: Practices like conscious connected breathing can enhance your intuition by promoting a deeper connection to your body and subconscious. Conscious Connected Breathing can be a powerful way to release stress, pent-up emotions, and sh*t you weren't even aware you were holding onto. All of this stuff gets in the way of you being able to feel how your intuition speaks to you.

  • Journaling: Keep track of your thoughts and feelings regarding your intuitive nudges. Revisit your journal when those intuitive nudges materialize AND when they don't. You'll start identifying patterns and build a lasting relationship with how your intuition feels and speaks to you.

  • Limit Distractions: Reducing exposure to overwhelming stimuli like drugs, alcohol, and numbing mechanisms can create space for intuitive insights.

  • Connect with a supportive community: Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of people who are also learning to trust and follow their intuition can be insightful when you compare stories of your journey.

  • Trust Yourself: The more you listen to and follow your intuition, the stronger it becomes.

Journal Prompts to Boost Your Intuition

  1. Body Connection: Where in your body do you feel your intuition? Describe the sensations associated with intuitive feelings.

  2. Intuitive Hits: Recall a time when you followed your intuition. What happened? How did it feel?

  3. Gut Feelings: Describe a situation where you ignored your intuition. What were the consequences?

Final Thoughts

Tapping into your intuition is a journey of self-discovery. By practicing mindfulness, trusting your gut, and paying attention to your body, you can strengthen your intuitive abilities and make more aligned decisions.

I've offered most of these practical tips to clients at the Breathe Connect Thrive Studio and they have been incredibly useful for clarity, healing, and insight into their spiritual journeys. I hope these suggestions will do the same for you.

Remember, it's okay to make mistakes along the way. The key is to learn from them and continue to listen to your inner wisdom.

Comment below and share your experiences with intuition.


To dive deeper into your intuitive spiritual journey, check out these blogs and videos:

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Above all, I hope you can honor yourself. And as always, remember to breathe deeply, connect consciously, and thrive wholeheartedly!

Sending lots of love & light,

Francisca Hernandez



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